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Tips on Taking Photos of Your Pet
Tips on Taking Photos of Your Pet

Tips on Taking Photos of Your Pet

Before snapping your first photo, there are some important factors to consider for your pet. It is important to familiarize your pet with the camera and its different sounds

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Got Cat Allergies? Try The Donskoy!
Got Cat Allergies? Try The Donskoy!

Got Cat Allergies? Try The Donskoy!

Have you always wanted a cat, but allergies get in your way? Then a Donskoy (also known as Don Sphynx) may be a cat for you. 

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Molly and the Nerf Balls
Molly and the Nerf Balls

Molly and the Nerf Balls

The other week, our team examined and treated a lovely 4.5-month-old female golden retriever named Molly. 

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Pet Nutrition Myths and Facts
Pet Nutrition Myths and Facts

Pet Nutrition Myths and Facts

Pet owners come across many pet food brands, and there is a lot of misinformation on the internet and in pet stores about pet food diets. 

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Ear Mites in Cats
Ear Mites in Cats

Ear Mites in Cats

Are you watching your cat scratching or shaking her ears? Does it seem sore or maybe have a foul smell or seem sensitive?

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Preanesthetic Blood Work
Preanesthetic Blood Work

Preanesthetic Blood Work

Here at Airdrie Animal Health Centre, we offer pre-anesthetic blood to all our patients that are coming to see us for surgery. 

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Pet Identification
Pet Identification

Pet Identification

Having proper identification, such as a microchip or collar tags, significantly increases the chances of a lost pet being reunited with their family.

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So, You Want to Be a Vet?
So, You Want to Be a Vet?

So, You Want to Be a Vet?

I’ve come across many people over the years who said they used to want to be a veterinarian or something along those lines. 

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Toxic Plants
Toxic Plants

Toxic Plants

Many a curious cat, although usually picky about what they eat, may sometimes decide to chomp down on the leaves of your new bouquet brought into the house. 

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Feeding Kittens
Feeding Kittens

Feeding Kittens

Congratulations on your new bundle of fluff. Nothing is more exciting than bringing a new kitten into your household, but this can also be a nerve-racking time.

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Senior Pets
Senior Pets

Senior Pets

There is something special about senior pets. What’s not to love about the greying muzzle, or their little quirks and special routines? 

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What Is This Mass on My Pet?
Lumps and Bumps – What Is This Mass on My Pet?

What Is This Mass on My Pet?

Have you ever been caught off guard by a lump or bump on your four-legged companion that you are sure was not there a few days ago? If so, is it serious?

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